It seemed like an impetuous decision on behalf of the disciples to heed the call of Jesus, “lay down their nets”, and leave everything behind to chase after their destiny. Every pivotal journey in scripture portrays the necessity of laying down and leaving something behind in order to embrace the future destiny that God has carefully orchestrated for our lives.
The Metcalf Mission we are presently trying to follow has presented many aspects of our identity that we are most comfortable with, and the need to lay it down and leave it behind in the process of chasing after the dream and destiny God put within our hearts so many years ago.
Even Moses understood that that he would have to lay down and leave behind the idea that his own generation would possess the promised land. By doing that he would release Joshua to chase the next leg of the journey. The Lord couldn’t risk having the “whiners” that complained against Moses and the Lord himself, march around Jericho. He needed “worshipers” that believed no wall or fortress could prevent their promised destiny from being fulfilled.
Jesus is our beloved example of a Heavenly King who chased after his destiny to “seek and save” those who are lost. It required him to lay down and leave behind his divine privileges and humble himself as a servant.
We need to ask ourselves the question: “what nets are Jesus asking us to lay down and leave behind?”
We can literally see the promise and destiny as did the children of Israel. It’s not far away. Jesus will lead us there just a he did with the Disciples.
Brigette and I want to thank you again for partnering with us in our mission to Thailand. We gladly chase after our destiny and follow Jesus.
Dana & Brigette Metcalf