Moses when he led the children of Israel out of Egypt God performed a miracle as they complained "Why did you lead us out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?" Exodus 17:3 . Moses cried out to the Lord and God answered him by telling him to go in front of the people and STRIKE THE ROCK and water will come out, and it DID! Exodus 17:5-7. God did an incredible miracle and gave them fresh water. However when the children of Israel complained again, you can read the account in Numbers 20, Moses heard from the Lord again however this time it was to SPEAK TO THE ROCK. Instead of speaking to the rock Moses grabbed his staff and STRUCK THE ROCK TWICE. Numbers 20:11. Literally that act of disobedience kept Moses going into the promise land.
What am I trying to say... Many might think that was cruel to deny Moses access to the promise land with such a simple mistake. Why and what was God trying to teach Moses? and us? Hearing the voice of God in our every day lives is vital and Moses being a leader of 6 million people out of a land of slavery needed to depend on the most high God for every direction and so do we! I believe God was training Moses in Obedience, Faith and not relying in His own strength. God was clear in both narratives of what to do. Once He told him to strike the rock and the next time speak to it. In order to be a great leader you need to listen and follow great leadership. This can't happen if you don't do what your authority is asking. Second, God was not only building Moses faith but the children of Israel. They were in awe and wonder of the miracle the first time, but by striking the rock a second time the same way can make us look at the act rather then the creator. I am sure there were many Jewish children running around with a stick hitting rocks and role playing Moses. But God wanted to do something different and our creator can not be contained in a box or routine. We have to trust His words and obey His commands and our FAITH is built. Last, God was not wanting Moses to lead in His own strength and abilities. "It's not by might nor by power but by my SPIRIT, says the Lord almighty" Zechariah 4:6. God has no equal and He is not a man that He should lie. He is the creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Moses struck the rock twice, the second time around when God clearly gave him new instructions. Why TWICE, was He unsure, was He angry at the people, tired of their complaining? We don't know for sure but I can only imagine. God was wanting Moses to be led by His voice "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" Matthew 4:4. A little new testament here but directly from Jesus mouth as He confronted Satan. The children of Israel were precious in His site and He wanted them led by His voice not by man's abilities.
We can learn so much from this example in the word of how crucial it is to lean into God and really listen to His voice not only for your personal life but for anyone you lead. Moses didn't get to go into the PROMISE LAND, but a whole new generation did! A JOSHUA generation that was willing to listen and obey and do the ridiculous so that God could do the impossible. Yes - Marching around the walls of Jericho seemed pretty strange, but the walls came tumbling down and the PROMISE was theirs. Sometimes it takes a new generation to get us to walk in fresh obedience.
DON'T STRIKE THE ROCK TWICE... Obey, Have Faith & don't walk in your own strength. Lean into the voice of God and He will make the impossible possible!
Brigette V. Metcalf